If We Could See Ourselves As Others See Us at Solstice Arts Centre, Navan: 14th to 27th January 2023
photography: Simon Mills
If We Could See Ourselves As Others See Us was a community arts project commissioned by Solstice Arts Centre and produced by Dumbworld - a Belfast based artist-led multidisciplinary creative production company, in collaboration with four visual artists (Aislinn Delaney, Jasmin Märker, Jonathan H.S. Ross and me) and with participation from individuals and groups across Co. Meath.
Over the course of one year we worked with individuals and collectives such as Youth Work Ireland, Meath; Dunshaughlin Choral Society; Meath Music Academy; Cultúr Migrant Centre, Navan; Sea Swimmers, Laytown; ALPS, Trim Family Resource Centre, Trim; 4th Year Students, Colaiste na hInse; Moira Dineen; Mewa Manita; Margaret McCann; Mark Jenkinson, The Cider Mill; Sonairte Eco Centre & Gardens, together responding to the theme of the sense of belonging and the role a place could play in that.
The project culminated in a touring exhibition which was first featured as a sound/video, photography and living installation, and launched at the Solstice Arts Centre.
The photographic series I presented in the exhibition (install. shots 1 - 8) was produced during my individual meetings with the participants and my visits of locations throughout the county. The work exhibited my own intimate experience of the creative process as it was exclusively inspired by my encounters with the local community and reflected on the sense of self of those I met.